Thursday, 19 May 2016

Lintwood Farm Chapter Fifteen

Here's Chapter Fifteen of Lintwood Farm

Chapter 15

"I'm off to the shop" Jennifer yelled to Ian who was sorting out the barn with help from Chrissie and Lindsey,
"Ok sweetheart I will see you later, remember back before dinner please" Ian replied as Jennifer walked towards the gate. Jennifer was running the shop by herself for the next week whilst Ellie was away on her honeymoon, but had reduced the opening hours for the time being due to her age. She was walking up the lane enjoying the heat of the sun, when she got to the shop there were a few customers standing outside the shop,
"I will be open in five minutes everyone" Jennifer told them, she went inside and hung her bag on a hook on the wall in the clock room and opened the till ready for the next few hours. She turned the open/close sign round to open and let the customers in,
"How can I help you today" Jennifer asked the first customer
"Can I have four meters of the sky blue fabric with the roses on please" the customer asked, Jennifer climbed a ladder and took the fabric of the shelf, rolled it out and measured four meters, cut it and wrapped it up in a bag,
"There you go" Jennifer handed the bag to the customer as she paid,
"Thank you Jenny"
"You're welcome; how can I help" the second customer approached the counter,
"Three roles of yellow wool please"
Jennifer continued working throughout the afternoon taking a fifteen minute break halfway through then closed up the shop at four o'clock as her father had instructed her. She made her way home the sun still in the sky, heat bearing down on top of her, though it was starting to cool down a bit she knew she was in for a hot sleepless night. As she turned into the drive she was almost struck with a cricket ball and screamed, she looked to see who had the bat in their hands,
"Sorry" he shouted back "didn't see you there"
"Louis what have I told you about hitting the ball that far" Ian told him
"I said sorry"
"Right let's put everything away and get dinner on"

The week went by very quickly, everyone had to put in a bit more work due to only having few people on the farm, Jennifer only had the shop open in the afternoon from twelve so she could help out on the farm. Soon it was Sunday night,
"Ellie and Martin get back tomorrow" Chrissie was really excited and kept jumping up and down on her bed as she got ready for bed. Jennifer and Ian had spent the weekend redoing Ellie's room so it was suitable for her and Martin when they got back, they had put in a double bed and another wardrobe, they had painted the walls with fresh paint and put in another bedside table which had been decorated with flowers from the fields which Chrissie and Lindsey had picked,
"Come on now Chrissie, its bed time" Ian came into Chrissie's room to tucked her in
"But I'm too excited to sleep" Chrissie couldn't keep still
"I know but the sooner you go to sleep the sooner tomorrow will come and..."
"Dad, Dad" Jennifer ran into the room
"What is it Jenny" Ian looked at the worried look on Jennifer's face "Jenny what's wrong"
"I've just been reading today's newspaper, there was an air raid in Edinburgh last night" Jennifer showed her father the paper "No one's been killed but a lot of people got hurt, I don't know if Ellie and Martin will be home tomorrow" And Jennifer was right Martin and Ellie didn't return home the next day. Chrissie sat on the window sill in the dining room looking out of the window hoping they would come round the corner any minutes. The day was another hot, bright, sunny one but everyone on the farm seemed so dull, they were worried, not knowing if they had been hurt or not, even Meg was sad, she spent all day sat outside on the doorstep, Louis made sure her water bowl was full and next to her so she didn't dehydrate.
     A few days past and there was still no news, Jennifer kept checking the paper but there was nothing else,
"There's been no reports on deaths, since the last report"
"You said there were no deaths" Lindsey said looking at Jennifer
"Yes that was on the night of the air raid but people could have died because of injuries but like I said no deaths, but their train might have been delayed" Jennifer folded up the paper" They should be fine, home in no time, if nothing else happens"
"You said 'but' to many time" Lindsey said, Jennifer looked at her, she then looked out of the window. A few days went by and still Ellie and Martin had not come home,
"I'm not going to bed" Chrissie told Ian as she started out of the window
"Chrissie I know you are worried...
 "Worried, worried, of course I'm worried, I can't sleep not knowing if my sister is alright" Chrissie had turned her head away from the window,
"I know it's hard but you need to sleep, you are only a little girl"
"I can't sleep, all I do is lie there staring at the ceiling and it's scary in the dark"
"You've never mentioned that before"
"Well it's not that scary when I know Ellie is in the house, or when I know she is coming back,
"Of course she's coming back" Ian looked at Chrissie "you really love your sister don't you" he had knelt down to Chrissie's level
"Well yes, she helped look after me when Mummy was all depressed"
"I never knew that"
"Daddy never told anyone, he did whatever it took to make her feel better"
"Ok well how about to help you sleep we move Lindsey into your room so you're not alone" Chrissie's face lit up
"Yes that sounds great" she jumped up and ran out of the room "Lindsey, Lindsay" she ran up the stairs and in to Lindsey's and Jennifer's room
"What is it Chrissie" Lindsey was sat on her bed finishing her homework
"Your Dad said you can move in to my room, we get to share a room" Lindsey looked at her
"Bye Jenny" she jumped up and started to move her bed, Chrissie helped. As they were trying to get the bed though the door Ian and Louis approached from opposite ends of the landing
"Oh you want to move now" Ian said as the girls struggles with the bed
"Jenny come and help us" Lindsey said from inside the room. Jennifer jumped up and started to help
"Hi Dad, hi Louis some help would be nice" Everyone pitched in to get Lindsey's bed in to Chrissie's room. Once the bed was sorted Lindsey moved her clothes into the spare draws,
"Hey everyone, ooh someone moving bedrooms" Everyone looked round to see Ellie and Martin stood in the doorway,
"Ellie" Chrissie ran and gave her sister a hug, Ian hugged his son
"Are you two ok, What happened, are you hurt?"
"No we're fine, we tried sending a letter but it was really difficult getting everything in and out of the city. They eventually got us on a bus and took us to the nearest operational train station. Took a few days but we made it back"
"So apart from the air raid how was the honeymoon" Jennifer jumped onto Lindsey's bed,
"Well" Ellie went to sit on Chrissie's bed "it was so romantic, we went to see the Castle, saw a show and went shopping in Jenner's and Martin bought me this dress" she stood up and did a little twirl
"That's so beautiful, it really suits you"
"Thank you Jenny, right bed time I think, We'll talk more in the morning"
"Ok goodnight Ellie" Chrissie kissed her sister and climbed into bed, Lindsey climbed into the bed next to her
"Goodnight Ellie, goodnight Martin" Lindsey shouted before Ellie closed the door. Louis said goodnight and went off to bed himself, Jennifer and Ian showed Ellie and Martin to their room
"We made some changes to your room I hope you don't mind" They set foot into the room and were amazed. It looked so beautiful and Ellie hardly recognised it,
"It looks amazing, thank you so much" Ellie hugged both Jenny and Ian
"We will see you in the morning" Jennifer and Ian closed the door behind them,
"I am so glad to be home, I thought we were going to be stuck there for a really long time" Ellie had put her bags down and sat on the bed
"I know, back to reality tomorrow" Martin sat next to her
"About time as well. Our first night at home together as husband and wife"

"I know" Martin kissed her and laid her out on the bed.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Arizona Chapter Four

Here is Chapter for of Arazona. Enjoy reading x

Chapter 4

Luke checked out the warehouse the next afternoon. After deciding it was perfect he gave Antonia a call but got her voicemail,
"Hi Antonia, it's Luke, I'm just calling to say that I've checked out the warehouse and it's perfect, if you let me know when you are free then we can work something out, ok speak soon" he left a message and went home
    Antonia had just finished work when she got Luke's message and immediately called him back,
"Friday after work would be perfect, my friend Maybelle can cover for me" Antonia told him after discussing a day to meet each week. After Antonia meet Maybelle for a drink at Jewels Bar,
"Wow that was quick" Maybelle said after Antonia had told her about the calls from Luke,
"I know, I'm so excited, I can't wait" she took a sip of her drink "can I ask you something Maybelle"
"Can you cover for me on a Friday, say I've gone with you to your movement class or something if asked, especially my Mum. Please"
"Of course I will, what are friends for. We're still going to meet for a drink afterwards aren't we" Maybelle asked
"Of course we are, I can tell you all about my lessons" they both giggled and continued to chat

The next week went by really quick. Antonia spent the whole time looking forwards to her first lesson with Luke. She was in a high upbeat mood as her last shift of the week came to an end on Friday,
"Any plans for the evening" Layton asked her as they collected their things from the locker room
"Just the usual drink with Maybelle, but first I thought I'd go to the new school and look at a few classes , see if anything takes my fancy" Antonia lied "what about you any plans"
"Just dinner with Alton's parents"
"Ooh that should be hell" Antonia gave a little laugh
"Oh you bet. I love Alton and all that but I can't stand his parents. Wish me luck" Layton left the locker room,
"Good luck" Antonia called after her. Antonia left the building looking forwards to her lessons. She stepped outside and froze as she saw Fifi across the road. She stood there for a minute to make sure she hadn't been seen, as she did she noticed Fifi was surrounded by five guys getting touchy feely with them, whilst two were kissing her neck. Antonia sneaked behind the corner and took a few pictures in hopes of using them against her one day, calling her a slut in the process.
She headed to the warehouse using the directions Luke had given her, looking behind her to make sure Fifi hadn't spotted and followed her.
"Antonia you made it" Luke greeted her as she entered the warehouse,
"Is this what a warehouse from earth looks like" she asked
"Yes it is, we had one built but there was no takers. It's been abandoned ever since" Luke smiled at her "so are you ready" he asked
"Yes I am. Sorry it took me so long, I saw Fifi on my way out of work and had to make sure she didn't follow me"
"Don't mention that bitch to me, I can't stand her" Luke said
"Sorry. You not the only one who can't stand her"
"At least you don't have to have dinner with her and her parents tomorrow" he told her, he threw a fireball at the wall "Sorry, I've got a lot of anger about because her at the moment. She wants to marry me but I don't want to marry her, her father is insisting and I can't take any more of it" he told her
"Luke I'm so sorry" Antonia replied. She smiled as she remembered the pictures she had taken of Fifi after work "I may have something that might get you out of it" she showed him the pictures,
"Oh my god, what is she up to, ok that guys hand is going up her skirt. Wow looks like Daddy doesn't know everything she gets up to after all. Antonia can you send me these please" he asked
"Sure I can" Antonia sent the pictures via Meglog something very similar to Bluetooth but it had been around for five centuries,
"Thanks Antonia, make sure you delete them of your phone, I don't want you getting into trouble"
"Don't worry I will, but first I have to show Maybelle. So where shall we start" Antonia asked before Luke could reply to her last comment "here is a list of everything I can do" Antonia handed Luke a piece of paper
"Wow Antonia that's a lot. You could be the most powerful woman on the planet once you've learnt control, I'm impressed. Right why don't you show me what you can do then we can look at how to control it" Luke told her
"Right ok, stand back I don't want to accidently hurt you" Antonia replied
"It's ok I know how to protect myself" Luke put his arm in front of him and created a shield out of fire. Antonia looked astonished,
"Nothing can penetrate it" he smiled at her
Antonia spent the next thirty to forty five minutes showing Luke what she could do. She started off with the nature part of her powers turning the warehouse into half garden half jungle, next she created bolts of lightning from her hands and lightning balls, she then created a rain storm with thunder and lightning, then a snow storm . She then moved onto ice and created an ice rink on the floor, walls and ceilings. Then she stopped,
"Is everything ok" Luke asked
"I don't know how to get rid of the ice without creating a heat wave so hot it would suffocate you" Antonia confessed
"Ok, let me help" fire roared from Luke's hands and he blew it all around the warehouse melting the ice "you definitely need a lot of help and control. I think because there are very, very few or no Gifted women, learning control is going to be a lot harder but if you listen and do everything I tell you, you should be fine" they smiled at each other "I think next week we will start with the lightning" he said as it approached nine o clock.

"How did it go" Maybelle asked Antonia in a whisper as she sat down at their usual table at Jewel Bar
"It went really well, Luke just wanted to see what I could do first, we're going to start properly next week" Antonia replied
"And what's Luke like"
"Genuine, really nice guy, but it was only the first lesson so we'll have to see" Antonia sipped her drink "Oh and guess what I saw when leaving work" Antonia showed Maybelle the pictures of Fifi,
"No way, she's a slut, this is awesome. Now we have something to shut her up with" Maybelle looked ecstatic
"Not if Luke has anything to do with it" Antonia said
"What do you mean"
"Well Fifi's father is trying to pressure Luke into marrying her, their having a family dinner tomorrow, so I sent him the pictures via Meglog so he can get out of it, he can't stand the bitch"
"A bit like everyone else, I don't know how her parents do it, but then again they have always catered to her every need" Maybelle said. She finished her drink. They arrived back at the building they lived in about midnight. Antonia looked up at the sky to see all three of Arizona's moons in the sky, Alstead, Ambro and Alteen,
"Come on Antonia it's late" Maybelle called from the door, Antonia smiled and walked through the door.

    Back at the Presidential House Luke laid awake, he was looking through some pictures he had taken of Antonia in the warehouse and smiled, slowly realising the feelings he had developed for her.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Lintwood Farm Chapter Fourteen

Here is Chapter Fourteen, a really short one this time but more is still to come x

Chapter 14

The car arrived at the hotel, Martin carried Ellie up to their room,
"I can't believe we're married" Martin put his arm around Ellie,
"I know, I've never been happier" Martin gave Ellie a passionate kiss. He slowly grazed the top of her legs and ran his hands up her body and undid the back of her dress. Ellie ran her hands up his chest to unbuttoned his shirt. They looked at each other as they slipped under the covers. Martin stared into his beautiful wife's eyes, he kissed her neck whilst he gently cupped her breast. Both feeling nervous moved in and Martin pulled Ellie close.

"Morning beautiful" Martin kissed his new wife as she woke up,
"Morning handsome" Ellie kissed Martin as there was a knock at the door,
"Breakfast's here" Martin got out of bed put on a dressing gown and answered the door,
"Thank you" Martin said to the waiter who brought them their breakfast. Martin handed Ellie a plate filled with toast,
"Thank you sweetie" Ellie started to eat her breakfast. After they had finish breakfast and were getting ready to leave for their honeymoon they began talking about the night before
"Hey Ellie, err last night I have to admit I was pretty nervous" Martin told Ellie
"Me too, I didn't know if I would be able to go through with it" Ellie replied
"How was it for you Ellie"
"Honestly it was a bit awkward and a bit painful, but it was our first time and no one knows what their first time is going to be like and a lot of people don't do it until their wedding night anyway. It's going to get better, but I'm a bit sore today so if we could leave it a few days that would be great" Ellie smiled at him
"Ellie that's fine, it was a bit awkward for me too and I'm also a bit sore as well and you're right it was our first time and it will get better" he pulled her close and kissed her,
"Come on beautiful, let's go on our honeymoon" Martin said as he held the door open for Ellie.